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Daybook Entry:

Make argument strong

Don't forget about ethos

Go be creative.


Go find more sources

For your inquiry paper

Answer hard questions


For this entry, we were supposed to write a poem using excerpts from our daybook. I thought that this was a perfect example of defamiliarization because it was repurposing old work into new work. Technically, we were supposed to get eight lines for the poem, but since I am a lazy college student, I wrote two haikus. This example of defamiliarization defintely halped me picture how to repurpose writing for my multigenre project. I was struggling to think of ideas for my multigenre project, but this daybook entry made me realize how creative this process could be. 











Daybook Entry:

Why is Kyle so upset over a stupid caterpillar? He probably is not that irrational all the time, so something had to be irritating him. Maybe, he just lost a pet or collected bugs. Children have wild imaginations, so the bugs could have been his friends, which would have made the lost of a caterpillar much more severe. The caterpillar might have resembled happiness to him, so the loss of it was a sad moment. Or, the caterpillar resembled our potential friendship and it served as a momento.


In this daybook entry, we were tasked with examining a different point of view in our conflict paper. I decided to look at why Kyle (antagonist) was upset over the loss of the caterpillar. At this point in the paper, I only explained how mad and mean he was because it was coming from my point of view. But, I neglected to consider why he was upset and acted the way he did. He probably is not always mean, so I had to make assumptions about why the caterpillar death angered him. These assumptions were hard to come up with because bascially no one gets upset over a caterpillar, but I tried my hardest to see it from Kyle's point of view. This exercise was helpful because I tried to use these assumptions in the analysis portion of the essay to make my paper well-rounded.


Daybook Entry:

Who are you?

I am a driven person who wants to accomplish as many goals as possible in my life. I enjoy active sports and Netflix. I am a dog person, but I do find cat posts funny on the internet. I am a big Lord of the Rings fan.

Where are you going?

I am going to Wall Street. I want to be an investment banker someday. But I do not just want to work, I want to travel Europe and live in Switzerland.


I chose this daybook entry because I want to continue writing this one. It asks two big questions that I always want to add new content to. I do not want my life to stop at Wall Street and traveling. I want to become an entreprenuer, venture capitalist, and philanthropist, too. I always want to have future goals to achieve because it makes life worth living and not boring. Life should not stop, and my writing should not stop. So to put it simply, I want to keep writing information about this question for the rest of my life.


Daybook Entry:

Hey Mrs. Rand, are you thirsty? It looks like there is not a water fountain nearby. For only two dollars you can have this bottle filled with water. Water does not only quench your thirst, but it has many health benefits. Water has been proven to increase metabolism and decrease bad breath. So, the water bottle AND its many benefits can be yours for a mere two dollars.


This daybook entry was by far my favorite in-class writing assignment because it was a sales pitch and related to business. I am interested about business and it allowed me to enhance my sales skills by trying to appeal to my audience. Currently, I will be raising money for an environmental group this summer, so this assignment was great preparation. I learned that one should focus on ethos, pathos, and logos when trying to appeal to an audience. I am going to take this knowledge into my campaigning efforts this summer. When writing pertains to my future and interests, it automatically becomes fun to me.



Blog post:

To start off, I had no clue what socioeconomic meant. Hopefully, I was not the only one who thought it was a big word and was clueless. Next, I educated myself on the definition, and I can safely consider myself a part-time expert of socioeconomics. Socioeconomics is a complex subject, but since I am a partial expert, everyone should believe and support my opinion on the matter. Class issues are a growing problem in the United States, mainly because of the growing divide between the rich and poor. Politics is a common example that illustrates the divide. Most people of the wealthy class have republican viewpoints, and people in the lower class often have democratic viewpoints. Republicans support low taxes, which benefits rich people because then they get to keep lots of their wealth. Democrats support higher taxes for government programs that benefit the lower class. Personally, I believe that there needs to be higher taxes so that the middle class will grow and it will shorten the gap between the rich and poor. Plus, higher taxes provide necessary government programs that help the lower class live and eat. I believe it is worth giving up a little more of your money in taxes knowing that it could be benefitting less fortunate people. The next socioeconomic issue that needs attention is healthcare. This class issue emerges because good health is expensive and people in poverty have trouble meeting this requirement. For example, Lar Eighner in "On Dumpster Diving" had to scavenge for food through trash to live. Poor people have trouble feeding themselves which can lead to many health problems like famine. Government programs like food stamps are a good way to help with this problem, but more could be done. The rate of living is increasing and inflation is rising, and it is hard for low-income workers to pay for the necessities in life. For example, Barbara Ehrenreich shows the struggles of living while making a low-income. I believe action needs to be provided, like a raise in the minimum wage or more government programs to combat these problems.


I chose this blog post to represent "making a connection" because I used many sources to write this excerpt. I am currently taking a philsophy class and ethics class, and we are constantly talking about issues that are prevalent in society. Socioeconomic issues constantly come up because they need to be addressed in our country. I used knowledge taken away from discussions in these classes to write this english blog post. Plus, I used online stories and articles like "On Dumpster Diving" to support my point. I believe this post is a great example of "making a connection" because I tied in a lot of sources and classes to make a well-rounded and accurate blog.

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