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Peer workshopping became a great resource for my writing. Having the opportunity to look at someone else's work and find mistakes was a great skill to learn. This action of looking for mistakes helped my revising process for my own writing. I noticed that I frequently caught mistakes that I would not realize before. For example, I was peer workshopping an anonymous students paper in class and I noticed that the flow of his paper was poor. I told him/her to add more transitions to help with the fluidity. When writing the conflict paper, I quickly picked up that my paper was having issues with fluidity, so I added a ton of transition words. If you go back and look, you will find at least three transition words a paragraph. Peerworkshopping made me understand that transitions are important, especially in narrative papers like the conflict analysis assignment. I am glad I made this connection because it ultimately made me a better writer.


When creating the three genres for my multigenre project, I pulled knowledge from other classes to enhance the project. The main class that I pulled knowledge from was my philosophy class. This class preaches utilitarianism and virtue theory. Plus, the instructor forces students to create a strong argument, or else he will reveal the holes in it. When writing my brochure and investment class presentation for my multigenre project, I used a utiliatrian approach for my business model. Banks are stereotypically seen as evil, but I wanted my made up bank to be seen as good. My bank followed a utilitarian philosophy because it wanted to increase economic well-being and prevent suffering. By providing services like investment classes and financial advising for low prices, my bank was able to make customers happy while making the bank happy. I believe that adding the utilitarian viewpoint stregthened the argument for why people should use J. P. Moore. This connection definitely enhanced the quality of my work, and the grade I received resembles my hardwork.


My inquiry paper was all about investing and the fears of investing. For this assignment, I wanted to talk about different investment types to educate the audience and provide a solution to being scared of investing. At the time, I was interiewing for many insurance and banking internships. One of my interviewers at Strategic Insurance Solutions was well-versed in the subject of investing and was explaining a lot about the market. He was mainly talking about the lack of investment options with low risk. I offered the idea of bonds and certificate of deposits, but he told me that these markets are poor. The interviewer told me that the interest rates for these investments are below the inflation rate, so one would be losing money from the start. I used this knowledge from a possible future employer in my investment advice/solution in my inquiry paper. Constantly, I stated that bonds and CDs were bad investments and that I would look for low-risk mutual funds. Without this knowledge from an employer in the field I am pursuing, I probably would not have researched the markets as extensively. This connection also benefitted my paper because it increased my ethos and made my advice to the audience more accurate and beneficial.

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